medicine (2) : 死
Waverley Cemetery有Epitaph咁寫 Remembrance When I die Will you be sad that I have gone, Sad that our friendship has ended, That our talking is over, That we have parted? Remember me. When I die Will you be glad that I lived, Glad that we met, Glad that we enjoyed so much? Remember me. When I die I leave you love and the sea, Friendship and all the loveliness of the world. I bequeath to you, the living, All joy and all sorrow. Have courage always, And sometimes, sometimes, Remember me. 呢排有少少難過,可能fluoxetine 40mg 開始唔夠做,可能效果太好可以帶返我上正軌,諗嘅野又好弔詭地搞到我好難過。雖然話想每日都出到一篇文,但係心情唔好就唔想打字,起碼講少好過講多。 事發幾日之前見到個熟客執藥。Serve佢嘅人唔係我,但係執完藥佢有走埋黎同我嗲兩嘴。 「今日之後我應該唔會再黎。出咗啲事而家唔方便講。睇下半年之後返到黎先再同你講」…「我好慶幸自己養到個仔大,又同媳婦相處得好。一把年紀,都係時候要退落黎。」 出咗乜野事,其實唔一定要睇實驗報告。如果你用心/眼同個人傾計,都會知唔少情報。 講到死,有兩樣嘢讀書嘅時候聽lecturer/professor講過 (thermodynamics, kinetic) 人體好難達到equilibrium, 唯一達到嘅時候就係死嗰陣 (palliative care)做呢行經常都會掂到死嘅topic Fact 呢類野,嘈黎都係曬時間。不過講到遇死人/就黎死嘅人,當然可以包拋頸到話只係執藥,有幾可會遇到就死嘅人?不過如果你熟藥同diagnosis, 其實同個history就多少都會知道佢剩底幾耐。不過冇再配藥係咪不在人...