medicine (2) : 死 - 2 QALY
Va'esse deireádh aep eigean, va'esse eigh faidh'ar
- QALY - Quality-Adjusted-Life-Years
- //對於死,到底你有乜野睇法?上面講嘅只係肉體嘅死,另一種departure嘅表達。//
如果你唔係讀health science, 可能會對QALY有啲陌生。
QALYs are calculated by multiplying length of time spent in a given health state by the utility associated with state.
QALY 嘅ideoloy
- 你唔再候生
- 你身邊嘅朋友唔係走曬就係死咗
- 周身病痛 e.g. hypertension, hypercholestrolaemia, glaucoma, cognitive declination, depression, diabetes, occupational injuries (e.g. plantar fasciitis), anxiety, insomnia ...etc
from google
當然呢個例子好撚pessimistic,但換個角度睇,好多野都會受到physical 嘅局限而發揮唔到。亦都因為咁,我唔介意你係到包拗頸:
- 識新朋友
- 改變自己諗法
- etc
林林總總嘅說法都係非常之stoic, 但係你會想老咗之後過住經常改變嘅環境,定係咁個地方抖下就算?可能候生有動力嗰陣唔介意去再適應,去experience新嘅野。但係到老嗰陣乜撚野動力都冇曬,到時點樣再去adopt 新嘅環境?(所以係呢度我好撚同情時下被稱為廢老嘅人 i.e. 低學歷,patriotic, 低socio-economic status ...etc。subliminally, 人地唔係為咗你年輕/意見不同想反你,純粹係時日無多,搞咁撚多野最終都係搞到佢。)
係呢個咁瘋狂嘅時代出世,你有冇問過自己生存嘅意義?可能QALY只係能夠用係健康&壽命嘅association, 不過諗下冇錢睇醫生搞到健康差又短命,咁multidimensional如果有其他parameters 去量度"QALY"真係唔出奇。
...The appropriateness of the QALY arithmetical operation is compromised by the essence of the utility scale: while life-years are expressed in a ratio scale with a true zero, the utility is an interval scale where 0 is an arbitrary value for death ...
The possibility of combining quantity and quality of life in a single index can be combined is based on the idea that the quality of life can be quantified by applying the concept of "utility" [8], a concept rooted in the school of political philosophy known as utilitarianism. Consumer Choice Theory likewise describes how consumers decide what to buy on the basis of two fundamental elements: their budget constraints and their preferences. Consumer preferences for different consumables are also often represented by the concept of "utility"... - PMC317370
當年有人問個prof. utility 有冇可能係負數。As mentioned above, 當你人生慘過死嘅時候就會係負數。
- 愛可以大過一切
- 食 (re: 雞翼魚蛋湯)
嫌母煮雞翼魚蛋湯10 歲女圖跳樓, apple daily - 事業
- foreseeability
- 平凡
- Democracy
- Shared belief
- etc
你點value, 最後都係好depends on 你個background/ personal experience...
既然係講死,點解要講生存?你唔覺得呢對concept係好of dualism架咩?我曾經做過一個clinical intervention, 關於一個八張野嘅阿婆長期食proton pump inhibitor (e.g. Nexium)。當然求祈都嗡到long term side-effects e.g. 唔夠Vitamin B12, osteopenia, Clostridium difficile–associated diarrhea ... 但同時個醫生又係硬頸到仆街,之前metformin/diclofenac O.D. 都要屌返我轉頭。所以我嗰陣只可以advise 病人拎張info 質個醫生。
不過諗返:成八十幾歲人,又做埋full-hip replacement, 行又行唔到,又周身病痛,你問我佢仲剩返幾耐時間?當然唔建議佢日日食PPI, 不過食唔食都係嗰頭近,點解唔畀佢食?起碼做到symptomatic relief.
所以你問我medicine 嘅出現係件好事定壞事?有辣有唔辣,不過有時我諗:吊住條命,我覺得真係慘過去死。
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